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MOVINGINTERNATIONAL RELOCATIONSTORAGEGet Moving with PremierYour global relocation specialist.
MOVINGINTERNATIONAL RELOCATIONSTORAGEGet Moving with PremierYour global relocation specialist.
MOVINGINTERNATIONAL RELOCATIONSTORAGEGet Moving with PremierYour global relocation specialist.

Mogui’s amb Premier

El seu especialista global en reubicacions.




Mudances lliures d’estrès

Mudar-se o traslladar-se a un altre país pot ser estressant, i per als nostres clients l’exigència de mudar-se sovint arriba amb poc o cap avís per fer les gestions necessàries. Premier Relocation se centra a donar suport a aquestes necessitats. Oferim un conjunt de serveis de reubicació VIP d’avantguarda, tots dissenyats per oferir el màxim benefici a vostè i a la seva família.

Subministrem tots els materials d’embalatge i utilitzem equips especialitzats per protegir la seva propietat durant tot el procés.

El seu temps és preciós, així que ens encarreguem de tot des del principi fins al final. Volem deixar la seva nova casa a punt per entrar-hi a viure.


Càrrega, emmagatzematge i trànsit

Tant si la seva mudança es fa per terra, mar o aire, el nostre equip de transport dedicat i els nostres socis internacionals treballen junts per garantir un servei porta a porta sense problemes.

Els nostres serveis de mudances estan realitzats pel personal altament qualificat, assegurant que les pertinences de la seva família estiguin segures, amb mesures addicionals establertes per donar-li tranquil·litat.


Això inclou:


Actualitzacions en temps real del seu gestor de mudances dedicat;


Fer un seguiment del progrés de les seves pertinences;


Ús del nostre servei de càrrega aèria exprés on el temps és essencial;


Emmagatzematge de les seves pertinences en una instal·lació segura dissenyada específicament.


En què podem ajudar


Assistència i assessorament amb duanes;


L’ajudem a trobar escoles i guarderies a la seva zona preferida;


L’assessorarem sobre la normativa i l’ajudarem a organitzar el transport més segur de les seves mascotes;


No importa a quina part del món es traslladi, podem ajudar-li a emportar-se el seu cotxe;


L’ajudem a trobar una casa adequada a les teves necessitats;

Enviament d'art

Construïm caixes a mida per garantir que totes les seves obres d’art i antiguitats valuoses arribin en perfecte estat;


Oferim serveis d’emmagatzematge tant en el punt d’origen com a destinació;


Inclou l’allotjament moblat mentre espera l’arribada de les teves pertinences.

El que diuen els nostres clients

Based on 26 reviews
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08:06 10 Jun 22
Had to import a bike and James was great in finding a fast solution for the move and clearing customs with no issues! full service done in lesss than 24h! Thank you!
Shaun Johnston
13:08 16 May 22
James Broggi with Premier Relocation Spain was great. He communicated clearly and often, was prompt in his responses and used professional contractors. I would highly recommend them.
Jake Jorgovan
14:27 02 May 22
Great experience. We had them relocate us from Spain to America. They were very professional and communicative throughout. Everything came in right around the expected budget and timeline.
Lynne Sharrock
09:19 21 Mar 22
Can't fault any part at all of my recent relocation experience with Premier. James Broggi has been professional and calm from the outset, nothing which I asked was a problem and everything was done quickly. Highly highly recommend this company. Excellent service all round.
Nikos Drakos
16:02 18 Mar 22
Moved from Barcelona to Cyprus in March 2022. Excellent service end-to-end. Full transparency, communication, professionalism and flexibility.
christopher mccoll
08:11 15 Feb 22
Absolutely brilliant service - rapid responses to emails, the entire process was handled extremely smoothly and professionally. Highly recommended.
We recently hired James Premier Relocation for a move from Spain to the UK. From start to finish they were very responsive and informative about customs and made the move as seamless as possible. The team is trustworthy, well organized and I cannot say enough about how easy they made the process. When the boxes and furniture were delivered everything was organized and the movers were so efficient. We recommend James to everyone we know and use them again in the future.
karthika varma
16:02 02 Nov 21
Thank you James for making the move from Barcelona to Berlin so easy!I reached out to Premier Relo along with a bunch of other relocation companies when I was prepping for my move but the decision to go with James was so easy. When all the other companies took a few days to respond and then send their team inperson to do an assessment, Premier Relocation did everything different. James was the quickest to reply, set up a call to go through all of my options (moving is confusing as it is) and did a very convenient video call to assess the volume.If I move again, I know I wont have to look at other options. 🙂 Thank you James!
Jeremy Majeski
06:16 21 Jul 21
I recently hired Premier Relocation for my move from Barcelona to Frankfurt. From start to finish, I couldn’t have been more impressed with the services provided. The teams on both ends of the trip were quick, efficient and handled our things with care. Prices were competitive for our full service move. I’d highly recommend James and his team.
Bram van B.
09:25 08 Jul 21
James and team from Premier assisted us with our move across the mediterranean. From start to finish the process was professional and fast. Cost was acceptable.
Jackson Douglas
19:13 04 May 21
I recently moved from Barcelona, Spain to Los Angeles, California all during the craziness that the Covid brought upon the world. James came out to look at all I had to move and walked me through the entire process; he let me know what to expect at both ports and the migration through the exit customs and the entry customs. He explained everything very thoroughly. Even though I didn't understand some of it, the complexities of shipping a large amount of freight is not something I'm used to, but I did trust him and his team, to efficiently and effectively under take such a complex arrangement. He was confident with the process and I put my full confidence in him and his team. The team came out to pack up and inventory everything from customs. They packed efficiently and took great care in making sure everything was safe and secure of the voyage. On the receiving end (Los Angeles), which arrived exactly when I was expecting it, had to be stored because I was not quite ready to receive it. The shipment seamlessly when into storage and then back out for the local delivery when I was ready. I would HIGHLY recommend James and his team at Premier Relocation as I felt the whole process, which was daunting to think about at first) ended up being even smoother than a local move. Bravo to your entire team, James. I always felt I was in good hands! All aces!


1-3 Osier Way


C/ Guadalquivir 35


Calle Navales 76
Pol ind Urtinsa II
28923 Alcorcon, Madrid